Aditya Chander aditya.chander@yale.edu |
Allison Chu allison.chu@yale.edu |
Richard Cohn richard.cohn@yale.edu Battell Prof of the Theory of Music |
John Coleman john.coleman@yale.edu Director |
Nicole Cosme nicole.cosme@yale.edu |
Eamonn Crowley-Edge eamonn.edge@yale.edu Web Applications Developer |
Maiani da Silva maiani.dasilva@yale.edu Lect Music Dept |
Harrison Davis harrison.davis@yale.edu |
Julian Day julian.day@yale.edu |
Alyssa DeChiaro alyssa.dechiaro@yale.edu Software Engineer |
Natalie Dietterich natalie.dietterich@yale.edu Lecturer and Teaching Lab Specialist |
Jeffrey Douma jeffrey.douma@yale.edu Marshall Bartholomew Prof. of Choral Music Sch of Music; Dir Yale Glee Club |
Clay Downham clay.downham@yale.edu |
Alexandra Dreher alexandra.dreher@yale.edu |
Taryn Dubois taryn.dubois@yale.edu |
Thomas Duffy thomas.c.duffy@yale.edu Prof (Adj) Sch of Music; Dir of University Bands; Dir Ellington Jazz Series |