A number of electives in Music Technology are offered on a regular basis. They include:
Music 095: Creativity, Music, and Technology.
Professor Kathryn Alexander.
The developmental history of technology in music creativity, with attention to aesthetics, invention, and repertoire. Focus on genres of technological music, including electroacoustic, musique concrete, synthetic, tape, electronica, and interactive performance, as well as sound design in visual media.
Music 325: Fundamentals Of Music, Multimedia Art and Technology.
Professor Konrad Kaczmarek.
A study of fundamental principles of electroacoustic music and multimedia technology. Investigation of acoustics, psychoacoustics, sound recording and reproduction, digital audio, image processing, and computer graphics. Exercises in synthesis and signal processing, MIDI, animation, and digital video. Prerequisite: Familiarity with music notation. Enrollment limited to 25 students.
Music 395: Compositional Applications in Music, Multimedia Art, and Technology.
Professor Kathryn Alexander.
An applied study of practical software and hardware applications in music and multimedia art. Advanced topics include: digital synthesis and sampling, patch design, digital audio effects, digital recording and mixing, digital audio workstations, MIDI controllers, image editing, animation, video production, media encoding, and content delivery. Prerequisite: Familiarity with music notation. Enrollment limited to 20 students.
Music 450: Special Topics in Music, Multimedia Art and Technology.
Professor Konrad Kaczmarek.
The relationship among tuning, timbre, and harmony; implications for analysis and composition. Topics include equal temperaments, just intonation, microtonal composition, pitch perception, theories of consonance and dissonance, spectral analysis and resynthesis, scale design, and spectral composition.
Music 466: Music and Multimedia Art.
Professor Konrad Kaczmarek.
A study of the creative interaction among music, multimedia, and technology, and the research, performance, and pedagogical impact of that focus. Examination of hardware and software and their integration. Topics include: authoring languages and hypertext and hypermedia issues in software design, development, and use.